I was cleaning out a drawer in my home office this morning and found this collection of old USB memory sticks dating back quite a few years. Remember those days when you thought you were so cool because you had this little storage drive full of all your stuff in your pocket? I recall working in a school back in those days where we actually mandated that every student had to have a “USB”, such was the apparent importance of these things. The intention was for students to keep their personal data safe and secure, but we used to constantly find them left behind in the USB ports of the classroom computers after a lesson. Or they would sometimes mysteriously just stop working. Or the kids would lose them. USBs may have been cool, portable and handy, but they were about the most insecure method for managing data I can think of.
Some people seem to feel like their data is perfectly safe and secure if they have it stored on one of these little memory sticks. Let me tell you, for the vast, vast majority of people, letting them manage their own data storage is a really bad idea. The only real explanation I hear for why people feel memory sticks are a secure way to store data is that they “know where their data is”. People actually say that they won’t put their data anywhere that they don’t know where it stored. It might sound good to say that your data is safe as long as you know where your data is stored, but trust me, just knowing where your data is stored has nothing to do with it actually being secure.
As for relying on memory sticks, those things are the least secure way to store your data I can think of. They can get lost, fall out of your pocket, go through the wash, get eaten by the dog, or you leave them in the back of another computer and forget about them, or they simply just stop working for no apparent reason. If you have a few of them it is near impossible to keep track of what’s stored on them. Other than for absolute emergencies or moving a file as a last resort, USB memory sticks, or whatever you want to call them, are probably a really bad idea.
So when it comes to storing data, what IS a good idea then? For most people who never really think much about boring things like secure data storage, the answer is the cloud. Whether it’s Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive or some other cloud service, it will be infinitely more secure than any storage “system” you could come up with by yourself. Once your data is in the cloud it gets securely stored, safely backed up and is accessible from anywhere, on any device.
I know what you’re thinking. “Yes, but I don’t trust the cloud, I don’t know where my data is stored.” Well, you probably have a bank account but you don’t know where your money is stored either, so I’m not sure what your point is. Claiming your data is more secure on a memory stick would be like putting your money in a shoebox under your bed and claiming it is more secure than the bank. Just like money, data is secured by the processes and infrastructure that store it, not from simply knowing where it is. I’ll say it again. For the average person – yes, you – the safest place to store your data, by far, is in the cloud.
But what if the internet goes away? But what if the cloud loses it? But what if the data centre burns down? Or what if I do store it in the cloud, and that free storage they give me now becomes something I have to pay for one day? (How terrible that you might one day get asked to pay for a service you’re using!)
If you really don’t trust the cloud, then at least get a portable hard drive, so you’re not dealing with these dinky little memory stick things. In fact, while you’re at it, buy a second portable hard drive, because you’re going to need to make a backup of the backup, because what if you lose the first one?
Which brings me to my main point. Data security – or keeping your important data safe – is a big deal. The truth is most people wouldn’t really care if they lost that Word file of a resume for a job they applied for 10 years ago. But losing your entire photo collection? Or all your music? Or videos of the kids when they were little? Or letters from your deceased parents? This is the stuff that’s a big deal. This is the stuff that you don’t want to put at risk. This is the stuff that you don’t ever, ever, ever want to have just stored on a memory stick.
So how should you store it? There’s a general principle of keeping data safe. The 3-2-1 rule. Three copies of the data. Stored in at least two different mediums. One of which is in a different physical location. Let me elaborate…
怎样浏览国外的网站 – you need to have three copies of important data. One is clearly not enough because if you lose it or it gets destroyed, that’s it. It’s gone for good. A second copy – a backup – is important. But if the data is really critical, the I-really-cannot-lose-this kind of stuff, then a third copy gives you peace of mind.
Two – you need to store the data in at least two mediums. There would be no sense having three copies of your data if each copy was on floppy disks. I don’t know about you, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen a floppy disk reader, so having everything stored in one now-obsolete format means you can’t read any of the copies. You might think floppy disks are a silly example. Well how about this? I own a number of computers – mostly Macs and Chromebooks – and not one of them has a port that can read those USB memory sticks in my drawer. Those old memory sticks use a standard called USB-A, but all modern computers use the newer USB-C format, rendering all those old memory sticks now obsolete. Sure I could use an adapter, but the fact is those old memory sticks are yesterday’s technology. You should keep the three copies of your data in at least two different formats because you never know how technology will change and you want to make sure that you’re always using formats that will still be readable.
One – you need at least one of those copies to be stored offsite. There’s no sense having your three copies in two different formats if they are all stored in your house and the house burns down. At least one of them needs to be kept in a completely different physical location. Offsite. Your parents’ house. A friends’ place. Or in the cloud. Somewhere. Just not in the same place as the others.
As it turns out, having your important stuff stored in the cloud addresses every one of these requirements – it’s another copy, it’s in a different format, and it’s offsite. And regardless of how well you think you can manage your own data on those portable drives, putting your data in the cloud puts it into a 手机浏览国外网站的方法 which stores it in real time, with real backup processes, real biometric security, real disaster management plans, and real data management processes. I don’t care how well you think you can manage your own data, you’re an amateur compared to the way the data centre looks after it.
Should you have all your data only in the cloud? Of course not! 3-2-1! Weren’t you paying attention? Go get yourself a couple of hard drives and set up Time Machine or SuperDuper with a regular scheduled backup. Then after you’ve done that, go upload everything to a reputable cloud service.
PixelBlock – Sending an email which includes a graphic is a technique that some companies use to track whether you open their email or not. Sometimes they do this sneaky thing where they hide an invisible single pixel in an email – you can’t see it, but it helps them track you. PixelBlock does exactly what it says, and blocks that invisible pixel.
大陆怎么浏览外国网站 – Gives you a nice glanceable preview of your Google Calendar, from any webpage, without needing to open your actual Google Calendar. But if you do want to open your actual Google Calendar, then here’s a pro tip, just click on the words “Google Calendar” at the top and it will open – you guessed it – your Google Calendar.
Google Calendar Scroll Disabler – Just in case I didn’t say “Google Calendar” enough in that last tip, here is a neat little extension that fixes one of Google Calendar’s most annoying traits – accidentally scrolling back and forward from month to month. This extension stops that behaviour and lets you scroll using the forward and back buttons in Google Calendar, making your Google Calendar behave the way normal people would expect it to.
Draftback – Takes the revision history of a Google Doc and turns it into a replayable “movie” of the document being created so you can watch how the Doc was written. Draftback adds a button to the top of every Google Doc and makes your students’ thinking more visible be letting you see their writing process unfold in front of your eyes.
1-Click Timer – For all those times when you need to give your students 5 minutes to complete a task, or get a reminder about something in 30 minutes, or cook the perfect three-minute egg. Whatever it is you’re timing, 1-Click Timer is a neat way to do it, right from the comfort of your Chrome Browser.
ColorZilla – There are a ton of colour picker extensions out there, but I have always kind of liked this one. Like most of these other extensions, this one lets you select any colour on your screen and sample it to find its RGB or hex code value. Especially useful for web design work, or anywhere you need to match exact colours.
Undo Closed Tabs Button – We all do it. You accidentally close a tab you didn’t mean to close. Damn it! You probably know you can just use CRTL+SHIFT+T to reopen a closed tab (What? You didn’t know that? You do now.) But what if you want to reopen a tab that you closed 12 tabs ago? You could just use CTRL+SHIFT+T another 12 times I suppose and go back through them all. Or, better yet, you could just use the Undo Closed Tabs Button extension and reopen the exact tab you want.
Share with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Email – Despite the somewhat unwieldy title for this extension, (and the fact that Google+ is basically dead) it does exactly what is says and lets you share your current browser page to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or email (or your Kindle too). Great for sharing that hilarious thing you just found on the internet with your friends, simply and easily.
Mercury Reader – Remove the clutter on a webpage and improve accessibility and readability so you can focus on the actual content. It’s particularly great for reading articles on cluttered news pages. You know the ones, surrounded with ads, links to other stories, promotions and so on. Mercury Reader removes all of that crap and just leaves you with the actual page content. You can also adjust text size, font and colour contrast for readability.
Authy – If you don’t use 2FA, or 2 Factor Authentication, then you need to go back and read this or this, and then stop being so bloody obstinate and go turn it on. Now. I’ll wait… OK, now you’ve got it turned on*, you’ll need something to generate the 2FA codes. You could use something like Google Authenticator but that only works on one device at a time and is a pain if you need to move it to another device. So check out Authy, it does the same thing but syncs across multiple devices, including your Chrome Browser using this handy extension.
Kami – If you need to work on PDFs, especially if you want to comment on them, annotate them with pen or voice notes, then check out Kami. It has a lot of features for working with PDF files, although there are limits on what you can do with the free version. Still, it’s worth looking into if PDFs are your thing. It also has some nice direct integrations with Google Classroom.
Noisli – Some people like a little background noise when they work. Not necessarily music, as that can be distracting to some people, but just some ambient noise, like the sound of a coffee shop, or the sound of a crackling campfire, or wind in the trees, or a rainy thunderstorm. Noisli allows you to generate a gentle soundscape of your choice so you can immerse yourself in ambient sounds that help you focus. It also has a customisable timer that, by default, conforms to the timings of the Pomodoro Technique.
Session Buddy – I mentioned OneTab before as a way to manage your tabs in Chrome, but you might also like to check out Session Buddy. It doesn’t gather your tabs together in the same way that OneTab does, but I do like the way it gathers sets of tabs into collections for later retrieval. Check it out and and see what you think.
Asyou can see, there are a ton of great extenstions for Chrome and I hope you find some of these useful. What other extensions do you like? Please share them in the comments below.
*You did turn 2FA on right?
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One of the nice things about Chrome is how easily it can be enhanced with powerful and useful extensions. Extensions give the Chrome browser additional “superpowers” that it doesn’t have by default, giving you the ability to add some really useful extra features to Chrome to suit the way you use your computer.
Extensity – The one extension to rule them all, Extensity is an extension manager that gives you the ability to easily enable or disable your extensions. I find myself installing far more extensions than I really need to use at any one time, so I like to turn off any that I don’t need to use right now. It’s as easy as clicking on their name. Extensity also has a “master switch” to turn them all off, which is handy for those few times when you might need to troubleshoot some rogue extension that could be causing trouble.
Text Blaze – A amazingly useful text expander that can take a few keystrokes and expand them out to a full word, phrase, sentence or more. You decide on your shortcut and it magically expands it in full whenever you type it. Great for emails, or any documents where you find yourself typing the same things over and over.
Clipboard History Pro – You know those times when you’re doing a lot of cutting and pasting, and wish you could go back and retrieve the second last, third last (or more) thing that was on your clipboard? With Clipboard History Pro you can. It remembers everything you cut (or copy) and you can easily retrieve it from the list. You can even create a favourites list of things you commonly need to paste.
Screencastify – A really handy and easy to use screen recorder for Chrome. It’s great because it integrates so well with Google Drive, and because it works directly in Chrome it is perfect for Chromebooks. The premium version is affordable and even has a built in video editor tool.
手机浏览国外网站的方法 – A simple utility that prevents your Chromebook from going to sleep. Just toggle it off or on as needed. Really basic but very useful.
OneTab – It’s too easy to accumulate lots and lots of open tabs in Chrome. OneTab can help reduce tab clutter by gathering all open tabs into a handy list, which can then be saved, shared or restored. I also like to save my open tabs at the end of a busy day so I can revisit anything important later.
The Great Suspender – Another neat tab mangement tool that puts unused tabs to sleep after a predetermined time to help save memory and system resources. As soon as you return to the tab it instantly wakes again. There are lots of these kinds of extensions in the WebStore, but this was one of the first to do this.
Full Page Screen Capture – Most operating systems have built in keyboard shortcuts for taking screenshots, and most give you the option of grabbing the full screen or just a specific region. But things get trickier when I want to capture a long page that goes “below the fold” such as a long scrolling webpage. This extension solves that.
Marinara – If you use the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused on tasks, this Chrome based Pomodoro timer is very nice. It has the standard Pomodoro timings by default, but you can customise it if you want to. I like the way it keeps a full history of completed units. If you don’t know about the Pomodoro Technique, 看国外网站加速软件.
Mote – Mote lets you add voice recordings to comments in Google Docs. It adds simple one-click recording to add a voice comment. There are other ways to do this, but Mote is by far the simplest.
Bitly – Google Docs typically have very long URLs so I find myself making them into short URLs quite. I like using bit.ly for that. This extension makes it really simple to create a bitly address (which can be fully customised) in just a few clicks.
AdBlockPlus – Because ads can be really annoying! However, many websites also rely on ads for revenue so I whitelist a lot of sites where the ads are not too intrusive, but it’s good to be able to block the really annoying ones. Also blocks ads on Facebook and YouTube too.
Emoji Keyboard – Sometimes you want to add an emoji to your text and this extension makes it really easy. Just search, choose and paste. Super fun and easy!
QR Code Generator – A really quick and simple no-frills way to generate a QR code from the current webpage as a PNG file. Just click and save to your Chromebook
Share to Classroom– If you are a Google Classroom user you should definitely have this one installed on all school machines. You can push webpages to all classroom computers in just a couple of clicks, and turn any webpage into an assignment, question or material, simply and immediately.
Speedtest – Because sometimes I just need to know how fast the network is.
That’s just a few of my favourites but there are, literally, thousands to choose from. As you can see, many of the ones I like are focused on improving productivity and efficiency, but take some time to browse or search through the Chrome Webstore and you are sure to find extensions ideally suited to the way you work or to meet your specific needs.
What extensions do you llike? Let me know in the comments!
Do you want me to write a part 2 list?
The 3 – 2 – 1 Principle for keeping your data safe
Kendallnow on The 3 – 2 – 1 Principle for keeping your data safe
Tim on What’s in your Extension list? Part 1
Chris on 使用翻墙软件浏览国外网站,是违法的吗?_精选律师解答 ...:2021-2-27 · 使用翻墙软件浏览国外网站,是违法的吗? 华律网根据你的法律疑问精选多位律师伢质答案。 现在有的国外的网站是不能直接浏览的,于是就有很多人通过翻墙上网,那翻墙上网算不算违法?
Chris on What’s in your Extension list? Part 1
Mary Manzano on What’s in your Extension list? Part 1
Deirdre on What’s in your Extension list? Part 1
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